

A Year of Habeas: Primers to New Frontiers

Nov. 29, 2022

The Power of History: Addressing the Role of Race in Criminal Punishment

Ngozi Ndulue and Tiana Herring of the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) discuss the importance of talking about the history of race and criminal punishment, as well as new strategies and developments for addressing the role of race in individual cases. The program also introduces DPIC's new report, Deeply Rooted: How Racial History Informs Oklahoma’s Death Penalty.


Oct. 4, 2022

Writing Persuasively: Pleading Prejudice

Long-time capital defender, Mark Olive, shares some invaluable recommendations on how to plead issues in habeas petitions while telling your client’s compelling story. Mark was the Director of the first Capital Resource Center in the country, opened in Tallahassee, Florida in 1985, which provided assistance to pro bono attorneys (and provided direct representation) in capital cases.

He was later the Director of both the Georgia and Virginia Capital Resource Centers. Some of the Supreme Court cases in which Mark has been counsel or co-counsel include: Hurst v. Florida; where the Supreme Court in 2016 found the Florida death penalty scheme unconstitutional; Herrera v. Collins, a Texas case where a majority of the Supreme Court agreed the execution of an innocent person would violate the Eighth Amendment; Hall v. Florida, where the United States Supreme Court found that Florida’s “bright line” rule on IQ scores violated Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002)(also one of Mark’s cases), where the United States Supreme Court found the execution of persons with intellectual disabilities violated the Eighth Amendment); and most recently, Wilson v. Sellers, a federal habeas corpus case that defies description.Included in Mark’s awards are the National Legal Aid and Defender Association’s Life in the Balance Achievement Award, the Tobias Simon Award–the highest honor the Florida Supreme Court bestows on attorneys for pro bono work--the Kentucky Furman award for national service to death sentenced inmates, and the California Death Penalty Focus award for service in capital cases.

Aug. 16, 2022

Writing Persuasively: Changing Narratives

There is the narrative that the jury heard at your client's trial. That's the narrative about the crime that led to the conviction and sentence. What about the life your client led before the crime? This is the narrative that should have been presented at trial --- the compelling story that the judge and jury never heard. Join legal writing professors, Sylvia Lett and Susie Salmon, as they walk us through the process of changing the narrative from one of conviction to one of mitigation and explanation.

June 28, 2022

Shinn v. Ramirez Jones Discussion

On May 23rd, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Shinn v. Ramirez that changed access to federal courts by prisoners convicted in the state criminal systems. On June 28th, Lee Kovarsky, Linda McDermott, and Robin Konrad discussed the effect of this change and how the world of habeas is adapting and attempted to answer as many audience questions as possible. More answers to come!

May 17, 2022

AEDPA Primer II: Procedural Default

Join Leslie Smith, Chief of the Capital Habeas Unit in the Federal Public Defender for the Middle District of Alabama in Montgomery, Alabama, as she explains the ins and outs of procedural default. Ms. Smith will describe the preclusive effect of procedural default on federal habeas cases and how to overcome it. This webinar is part of NHI’s three-part primer webinar mini-series to introduce those new to habeas law to core principles, laying a foundation to a better understanding of the most common hurdles habeas petitioners face in federal courts.


APRIL 12, 2022

AEDPA Primer: Statutory Structure

NHI’s own Christina Mathieson and Robin Konrad provide an introduction to the writ of habeas corpus. Particular focus will be given to prisoners who have been convicted in state courts seeking to appeal their conviction or sentence in federal court and the role of Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA). This webinar is designed to provide an introductory baseline for future webinar presentations.

2020 - 2021

From Classroom to Courtroom: Essential Elements of Advocacy


oct. 21, 2021

The Body Tells All

Trauma leaves its mark on the mind and body alike, underscoring the value of a client’s medical record that can unlock a wealth of mitigating evidence. A medical records expert can review the records in combination with reviewing medical literature to provide a comprehensive report for you to share with mental health professionals or other experts to provide a more comprehensive picture of what your client has experienced and who they are.


may 25, 2021

The Critical Skill All Attorneys Need: Learning To Manage Your Mind with Goli Kalkhoran

This webinar isn't about teaching you meditation or breathing techniques (though those can be very helpful). Because amidst demanding clients, even-more demanding judges, uncooperative opposing counsel, work-place politics and more, the only thing you control is yourself. One of the most crucial skills any attorney can learn is how to manage their own own thoughts, feelings, and actions to create some calm amongst the chaos.

Click on the image to launch the video.

Click on the image to launch the video.

APR. 13, 2021

Talking Sex Safely

Awareness of our clients’ level of comfort is imperative in maintaining safety and rapport. We want to avoid triggering our clients and keep them safe at all times; unfortunately, sometimes this is inevitable. This webinar explores ways we can ethically and consciously assess clients for sexual trauma.


mar. 16, 2021

Intersection of Immigration & Habeas

Join Karla McKanders and Lynn Damiano Pearson in a discussion about the role of habeas in immigration law. This discussion is targeted for both the immigration lawyer who is curious about how to use habeas as well as the habeas lawyer who is curious about how the Great Writ is used in immigration law.


feb. 16, 2021

Introduction to Habeas Corpus Part I

This presentation is designed to provide a broad description of what habeas is, how it is used, and the types of issues lawyers and clients face while pursuing habeas relief.


Oct. 27, 2020

Best Practice List for Interviewing Clients Who Have Experienced Trauma with Geoff Kagan Trenchard

In this training, we discuss the latest research in neuropsychology and what it can tell us about how we remember. We review concrete techniques to reduce client stress during interviews as well as how to best support them before, during, and after testimony. Finally, we look at what we can do to support ourselves and our colleagues in this vital and difficult work.


SEPT. 29, 2020

A Trauma-Informed, Anti-Racist Approach to Legal Advocacy with Lorilei Williams

This is an introductory training to explore ways legal advocates can help advance structural and systemic change, create space to achieve sustainability, and support internal, authentic anti-racist transformation. We will begin with a short overview of trauma and how it may manifest in individuals.