Habeas has the power to change. By educating lawyers, investigators, non-legal professionals, and aspiring students about the power of habeas, we’re giving a powerful tool to a new generation and continuing the legacy of the Great Writ.
But don’t take our word for it. Hear it from our students and your colleagues:
Defender Pipeline Program:
After two successful years of teaching a habeas practicum course at Georgetown University Law Center, NHI is developing a habeas practicum course in partnership with Howard University School of Law and federal defender offices. We are launching our pilot program in Spring 2021 and recruiting interns for the Summer 2021. We are asking for your help to sponsor the students' summer internships and cover the costs of the cases that students will be working on in the practicum.
“Working in teams and with experienced attorneys prepares us to work in all aspects of a habeas claim - from investigating a case to using that investigation to craft legal arguments. Working with clients provides a sense of purpose and an avenue by which we can actually use our developing legal skills to lift up voices and advocate for those who might otherwise be lost in the system.”
“I’m interested in engaging in capital habeas work . . . and trying to get practical experience in capital punishment work.”
Webinar Programming:
NHI hosts free webinars with incredible turnout and phenomenal speakers. We want to keep the momentum of these webinars going, and we want to keep it free for everyone who needs access to this information. Please help us defray the costs from the hosting software, marketing programs, and time.
“It was not the training that I was expecting but was one of the best that I have attended in terms of helping me think about myself and my place not only in my work but in the world. I very greatly appreciated her discussion of cultivating and nurturing our own resiliency and have really been thinking about my own ‘self-care’ in a different and much more effective way. I would recommend this training to all of my colleagues. Thank you!”
“Geoff took me into a space I as a non-habeas lawyer do not usually visit. I was in the company of professional people, Webinar attendees, dedicated to serving the underserved in a world that usually ignores them or treats them preferentially harshly in the “justice” system.”